Video formativi

Questa sezione ospita i video tematici per l’Inglese.
I Percorsi e Strumenti INVALSI sono rivolti:

  • alla Scuola primaria
  • alla Scuola secondaria di I grado
  • alla Scuola secondaria di II grado

Sono inoltre presenti delle risorse per tutti i livelli linguistici.

Video formativi INVALSI
Scuola Primaria - The Living Classroom

Dopo aver visionato tutti i video formativi, è possibile ottenere l’attestato di partecipazione relativo all’attività formativa svolta rispondendo a un questionario.

Attenzione: a partire dal 10.10.2024 non sarà più possibile svolgere i questionari relativi ai video formativi.

1. Using English in the classroom

2. Vocabulary as communication

3. Unreal is real: roleplay, communication games and theatre

4. Storytelling to develop listening skills

Il corso The Living Classroom si rivolge prioritariamente a docenti della Scuola primaria sia come formazione in ingresso sia come formazione continua, ma propone spunti e attività utili anche a docenti di Scuola secondaria di I grado.

Il corso – interamente in lingua inglese e con molti testi letti a voce alta da diversi madrelingua per agevolarne la fruizione prima di affrontare le attività collegate – parte da riflessioni generali di gestione della classe e di glottodidattica come base per un approccio ludico-pratico mirato ad una didattica di classe che coinvolga in modo attivo e significativo i bambini soprattutto in relazione alle abilità orali di livello A1.

Il corso si articola in quattro incontri in forma di video che presuppongono una fruizione asincrona e una rielaborazione personale degli argomenti e delle attività da parte dei docenti per un totale di 10 ore che verranno certificate.

1. Using English in the classroom


2. Vocabulary as communication


3. Unreal is real: roleplay, communication games and theatre


4. Storytelling to develop listening skills


Scuola Secondaria di I e II grado - Sailing through lexis and grammar

Dopo aver visionato tutti i video formativi, è possibile ottenere l’attestato di partecipazione relativo all’attività formativa svolta rispondendo a un questionario.

Attenzione: a partire dal 10.10.2024 non sarà più possibile svolgere i questionari relativi ai video formativi.

1. Learning Vocabulary

2. Focus on Receptive Vocabulary

3. Focus on Productive Vocabulary

4. Corpus Linguistics and Vocabulary Studies

5. Lexicogrammar

Il corso Sailing through lexis and grammar si rivolge a docenti della scuola secondaria di I e di II grado sia come formazione in ingresso sia come formazione continua, ma propone riflessioni e modelli utili a docenti di ogni grado di istruzione.

Il corso – interamente in lingua inglese e con molti testi letti a voce alta da diversi madrelingua per agevolarne la fruizione prima di affrontare le attività collegate – fa riferimento alla letteratura specifica relativa al lessico e alla grammatica e ripercorre le principali teorie glottodidattiche e docimologiche presentando modelli di attività dal livello A2 al livello B2 da cui trarre idee per esercitazioni e verifiche per gli studenti.

Il corso si articola in cinque incontri in forma di video-presentazioni che presuppongono una fruizione asincrona e una rielaborazione personale degli argomenti e delle attività da parte dei docenti per un totale di 10 ore che verranno certificate.

1. Learning Vocabulary


2. Focus on receptive Vocabulary


3. Focus on Productive Vocabulary


4. Corpus Linguistics and Vocabulary Studies


5. Lexicogrammar


Dal livello A1 al B2

Elenco dei video:

Reading comprehension from A1 to B2

Listening comprehension from A1 to B2

Reading comprehension from A1 to B2


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 02:07 CEFR
  3. 03:21 CEFR Familiarisation exercise form
  4. 04:25 LEVEL B2 World’s oldest message in a bottle
  5. 05:54 Download B2 textcomprehension activities
  6. 07:02 Download B2 further activities
  7. 07:05 LEVEL B1 The chocolate house
  8. 07:51 Download B1 textcomprehension activity
  9. 08:30 Download B1 further activity
  10. 09:43 LEVEL A2 Trees
  11. 10:48 Download A2 textwhile reading activities
  12. 10:53 LEVEL A1 A letter from Hannah
  13. 12:28 Download A1 textwhile reading activities
  14. 12:32 INVALSI task
  15. 13:51 Download INVALSI task LEVEL A1LEVEL A2LEVEL B1LEVEL B2

Listening comprehension from A1 to B2


Video chapters & resources to download:

    1. 00:00 Introduction
    2. 02:17 CEFR
    3. 03:34 CEFR Familiarisation exercise form
    4. 05:44 LEVEL A1 A new student
    5. 07:03 Download A1 pre-listening activity
    6. 07:25 Download A1 while listening activitiessound file 1
    7. 08:12 Download A1 follow-up
    8. 08:16 LEVEL A2 Yosemite
    9. 09:39 Download A2 pre-listening activities
    10. 10:06 Download A2 while listening activitiessound file 1
    11. 10:28 Download A2 follow-up links
    12. 10:36 LEVEL B1 My life so far
    13. 11:38 Download B1 pre-listening activity
    14. 12:05 Download B1 while listening activitiesfurther activitysound file 1
    15. 12:46 Download B1 follow-up links
    16. 13:42 Download B1 follow-up
    17. 13:46 LEVEL B2 New Zealand cuisine
    18. 15:20 Download B2 pre-listening
    19. 16:21 Download B2 while listening activitiespost listening activitiessound file 1
    20. 17:44 Download B2 follow-up
    21. 17:48 INVALSI task
    22. 19:34 Download
      A1 INVALSI taskA1 sound file 2
      A2 INVALSI taskA2 sound file 2
      B1 INVALSI taskB1 sound file 2
      B2 INVALSI taskB2 sound file 2

Livello A1

Elenco dei video:

Reading – Betsy Lou

Reading – Brown Bears

Listening – My favourite subjects

Listening – Field Trip

Listening – At the school sports club

Reading – Betsy Lou


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 03:12 Pre-reading activity
  4. 4:40 Download pre-reading activity
  5. 5:14 Download text
  6. 06:20 While reading activity
  7. 06:25 Download while reading activities
  8. 07:27 Further activities – Integrated skills
  9. 09:33 INVALSI task
  10. 10:48 Download INVALSI task

Reading – Brown Bears


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 04:17 Pre-reading activity
  4. 5:00 Download link video pre-reading
  5. 5:30 Download pre-reading activities
  6. 05:32 While reading activity
  7. 06:13 Download textwhile reading activitiesfurther activity
  8. 06:22 Further while-reading activity
  9. 06:56 Further activities – Integrated skills
  10. 09:36 INVALSI task
  11. 10:45 Download INVALSI task

Listening – My favourite subjects


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 04:18 Pre-listening activities
  4. 5:38 Download pre-listening activitiesFurther activities
  5. 06:08 While listening activities
  6. 06:58 Download while listening activitiessound file 1
  7. 07:04 Further activities – Integrated skills
  8. 09:36 INVALSI task
  9. 10:58 Download INVALSI tasksound file 2

Listening – Field Trip


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 03:41 Pre-listening activities
  4. 7:22 Download pre-listening activity
  5. 07:26 While listening activities
  6. 08:26 Download while listening activitysound file 1
  7. 08:32 Further activities – Integrated skills
  8. 10:36 Download London virtual tour link
  9. 12:10 INVALSI task
  10. 13:24 Download INVALSI tasksound file 2

Listening – At the school sports club


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 03:42 Pre-listening activities
  4. 7:50 Download pre-listening activities
  5. 07:52 While listening activities
  6. 08:36 Download while listening activitysound file 1
  7. 08:43 Further activities – Integrated skills
  8. 12:10 INVALSI task
  9. 13:27 Download INVALSI tasksound file 2

Livello A2

Elenco dei video:

Reading – In a minute

Reading – Staying safe around bears

Reading – Eating in London

Listening – A season of changes

Listening – Interview with an actor

Listening – A new cinema

Reading – In a minute


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 03:33 Pre-reading activity
  4. 4:42 Download pre-reading activity
  5. 05:35 The text
  6. 05:48 Download text & while-reading activity
  7. 06:29 While reading activity
  8. 07:38 Further activities – Integrated skills
  9. 11:19 INVALSI task
  10. 12:30 Download INVALSI task

Reading – Staying safe around bears


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 04:19 Pre-reading activity
  4. 5:43 Download textwhile reading activity
  5. 05:50 While reading activity
  6. 06:38 Further activities – Integrated skills
  7. 11:04 Download webquest
  8. 11:34 INVALSI task
  9. 12:54 Download INVALSI task

Reading – Eating in London


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 04:56 Pre-reading activities
  4. 06:06 Download pre-reading activitytextwhile reading activity
  5. 06:12 While reading activity
  6. 06:39 Further activities – Integrated skills
  7. 10:10 INVALSI task
  8. 11:31 Download INVALSI task

Listening – A season of changes


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 04:12 Pre-listening activities
  4. 5:30 Download pre-listening link to the videopre-listening activities
  5. 07:10 While listening activities
  6. 08:24 Download while listening activitiessound file 1
  7. 08:31 Further activities – Integrated skills
  8. 10:26 Download Integrated skills link to the video
  9. 10:57 Download Integrated skills activity
  10. 12:41 INVALSI task
  11. 14:03 Download INVALSI tasksound file 2

Listening – Interview with an actor


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 04:22 Pre-listening activities
  4. 07:02 Download pre-listening activity
  5. 07:05 While listening activities
  6. 07:51 Download while listening activitysound file 1
  7. 07:55 Further activities – Integrated skills
  8. 10:45 INVALSI task
  9. 12:18 Download INVALSI tasksound file 2

Listening – A new cinema


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 04:34 Pre-listening activities
  4. 06:28 Download pre-listening activity
  5. 06:30 While listening activities
  6. 07:20 Download while listening activitysound file 1
  7. 08:14 Further activities – Integrated skills
  8. 10:50 INVALSI task
  9. 12:03 Download INVALSI tasksound file 2

Livello B1

Elenco dei video:

Reading – A couchsurfing experience

Reading – Awesome Orkney Islands

Listening – Interview with a classical musician

Listening – Providence

Listening – People

Reading – A couchsurfing experience


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 04:13 Pre-reading activity
  4. 05:17 Lead in
  5. 06:10 Download lead in
  6. 06:11 The text
  7. 06:24 Download text
  8. 06:31 While reading activity
  9. 07:09 Download while reading activities
  10. 07:11 Further activities – Integrated skills
  11. 07:51 Download follow up
  12. 10:51 Download creative activity
  13. 10:52 INVALSI task
  14. 12:35 Download INVALSI task

Reading – Awesome Orkney Islands


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 03:37 Pre-reading activities
  4. 03:44 Download pre-reading
  5. 05:16 While reading activity
  6. 06:07 Download textwhile reading activity
  7. 06:09 Post reading activity
  8. 07:23 Download expansion on cohesive ties
  9. 07:52 Further activities – Integrated skills
  10. 09:39 Download follow up links
  11. 11:15 Download creative idea
  12. 11:18 INVALSI task
  13. 13:10 Download INVALSI task

Listening – Interview with a classical musician


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 04:23 Pre-listening activities
  4. 05:53 Download lead in
  5. 07:05 Download lead in links
  6. 08:08 While listening activities
  7. 08:52 Download while listening activitiessound file 1
  8. 09:16 Further activities – Integrated skills
  9. 13:03 INVALSI task
  10. 14:53 Download INVALSI tasksound file 2

Listening – Providence


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 04:30 Pre-listening activities
  4. 05:53 Download links pre-listening
  5. 06:55 While listening activities
  6. 07:48 Download while listening activitiessound file 1
  7. 07:53 Further activities – Integrated skills
  8. 10:09 Download follow up
  9. 11:50 INVALSI task
  10. 13:12 Download INVALSI tasksound file 2

Listening – People


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 04:30 Pre-listening activities
  4. 06:46 While listening activities
  5. 07:43 Download while listening activitysound file 1
  6. 07:51 Further activities – Integrated skills
  7. 09:07 Download follow up
  8. 10:20 Download Further Activity
  9. 10:21 INVALSI task
  10. 12:18 Download INVALSI tasksound file 2

Livello B2

Elenco dei video:

Reading – America’s everglades

Reading – Animal Heroes

Reading – Setting smart goals

Reading – These boots could save a firefighter’s life

Reading – International art competitions

Listening – BBC News at Midday

Listening – Most Amazing houses

Reading – America’s everglades


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:40 CEFR
  3. 04:12 Pre-reading activity
  4. 05:08 Download lead in
  5. 05:16 Lead in
  6. 05:50 Download lead in tables
  7. 05:53 While reading activity
  8. 06:10 Download textwhile reading activity
  9. 07:30 Post reading activity
  10. 08:05 Download post reading activity
  11. 09:06 Further activities – Integrated skills
  12. 10:47 Download follow up
  13. 12:10 INVALSI task
  14. 14:00 Download INVALSI task

Reading – Animal Heroes


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 04:32 Pre-reading activities
  4. 05:55 While reading activity
  5. 06:49 Download Text + While reading activity
  6. 06:56 Features of headline language
  7. 07:56 Post reading activity
  8. 08:20 Further activities – Integrated skills
  9. 09:29 Download follow up
  10. 10:33 INVALSI task
  11. 11:47 Download INVALSI task

Reading – Setting smart goals


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 04:34 Pre-reading activities
  4. 06:03 Download lead-in links
  5. 06:04 While reading activity
  6. 06:34 Download Text + While reading activity
  7. 07:40 Post reading activity
  8. 08:14 Further activities – Integrated skills
  9. 10:57 Download follow up
  10. 12:41 Download creative idea
  11. 12:43 INVALSI task
  12. 13:59 Download INVALSI task

Reading – These boots could save a firefighter’s life


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 04:00 Pre-reading activities
  4. 05:54 Download Text + Predicting activity
  5. 06:01 Further activities – Integrated skills
  6. 08:19 Download follow-up
  7. 09:53 Download Creative activity
  8. 09:55 INVALSI task
  9. 11:43 Download INVALSI task

Reading – International art competitions


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 04:33 Pre-reading activities
  4. 05:38 Download Pre-reading links
  5. 05:41 While reading activity
  6. 06:41 Download TextWhile reading activity
  7. 06:47 Further activities – Integrated skills
  8. 08:39 Download follow up
  9. 10:13 INVALSI task
  10. 12:07 Download INVALSI task

Listening – BBC News at Midday


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 04:19 Pre-listening activity
  4. 06:05 While listening activities
  5. 06:25 Download while listening activitiessound file 1
  6. 06:32 Activities
  7. 07:15 Download activities tables
  8. 07:16 Further activities – Integrated skills
  9. 08:02 Download useful links
  10. 09:59 INVALSI task
  11. 11:18 Download INVALSI tasksound file 2

Listening – Most Amazing houses


Video chapters & resources to download:

  1. 00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:39 CEFR
  3. 04:34 Pre-listening activity
  4. 05:37 Download pre-listening links
  5. 06:09 While listening activities
  6. 07:05 Download while listening activitysound file 1
  7. 07:34 Further activities – Integrated skills
  8. 08:44 Download Follow-up
  9. 10:03 INVALSI task
  10. 11:40 Download INVALSI tasksound file 2

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